Madics API to retrieve Stock, Customer and Price information

Minimal Alive Test

To retrieve a stock item description

To retrieve Free Stock for one given stock item location

To retrieve Stock for multiple locations

(More details further down)

To retrieve a stock item base price

To retrieve customer specific price.

To retrieve a pack price (including customer specific price)

(More details further down)

To retrieve a detailed customer specific price returning in a JSON file.

(More details further down)

To retrieve a detailed price list for multiple items in a JSON file.

(More details further down)

To retrieve a detailed price list of all customer specials for a single customer:

(More details further down)

To retrieve a list of Web Categories (and sub categories/recursive) category/customer

(More details further down)

To retrieve a list of Web Categories (sub categories/recursive) with stock Item list. category/customer

(More details further down)

Please see HERE for the Sales Order API

Minimal Alive Test

Returns "API online and available". This makes a call to Madics so i not jsut returning static text.

API Stats

Returns a JSON containing some basic stats on how often the various API calls have been made.

Pack Price - Individual item and Customer

This returns a pack price this being: pack price = ( price / price_per ) * qty_per_box

Customer code is optional, but if passed the customer price is used instead. 

Detailed Pricing - Individual item and Customer

This retrieves a JSON file returning the customer price plus detailed Madics pricing make up that includes the product and/or customer specific pricing rules.

For one item GET the following:

  • If the customer code is "NOCUST" then the standard pricing rules are returned that are not related to one specific customer
  • Quantity must not be blank (pass 1 (one) by default)

The "price type" returned are are followed::

0 = Standard Price  (no specific rules) 

1 = % discount on base price.

2 = Specific special product price.

3 = % uplift on standard cost value

4 = Qty breaks

5 = Split pack charge only

Example JSON reply for type 0- Standard Price when no specific prices exist.


    "item": "EVO132504",

    "customer": "",

    "qty": "1",

    "standard price": "5.62",

    "price list name": "BASE PRICE",

    "customer price": "5.62",

    "unit of measure": "Each",

    "price per": "1",

    "price type": "0",


    "price type description": "Standard Price"


Example JSON reply for type 1- % discount on base price

This includes the two discount % fields.


    "item": "LEGS",

    "customer": "DAD000",

    "qty": "15",

    "standard price": "20",

    "price list name": "BASE PRICE",

    "customer price": "16.15",

    "discount": "15",

    "discount2": "5",

    "price type": "1",

    "unit of measure":"Each",


    "price per":"1",

    "price type description": "% discount on standard price"


Madics will show:

BASE PRICE         20.00   LESS 15.00%   LESS  5.00%

Example JSON reply for type 2- Specific product price: 


    "item": "STEVETEST",

    "customer": "STEVE1",

    "qty": "15",

    "standard price": "10.34",

    "price list name": "BASE PRICE",

    "customer price": "5.59",

    "price type": "2",

    "unit of measure":"Each",

    "price per":"1",

    "price type description": "special product price"


Example JSON reply for type - qty breaks

There are two types of qty breaks:

break type 1 for Qty breaks discounts

break type 2 for Qty breaks set prices

For Type 4 (break type 1) it will return a breaks array with in the JSON these contain: 

QTY FROM  ,  QTY TO  ,  Price , Discount%

In Madics an example screen could show this as :

---- FROM - TO ----       DISC %   ---- FROM - TO ----       DISC %

       0         59           0%       360        719           60%

      60        119          50%       720        1439        62.5%

     120        239          55%      1440    99999999          65%

     240        359        57.5%

For Type 4 (break type 2) it will return a breaks array with in the JSON these contain: 

QTY FROM  ,  QTY TO  ,  Price

In Madics an example screen could show this as :

 ---- FROM - TO ----        PRICE  ---- FROM - TO ----        PRICE

        0          9        70.41        40   99999999        64.67

       10         19        68.98                                     BASE PRICE

       20         29        67.54                                          71.85

       30         39        66.10

JSON Example:












,"break type":"1"

,"price_type_description":"Qty breaks discount"

,"breaks": {

"break1": ["0","59","8.95","0"]

,"break2": ["60","119","4.48","50"]

,"break3": ["120","239","4.03","55"]

,"break4": ["240","359","3.8","57.5"]

,"break5": ["360","719","3.58","60"]

,"break6": ["720","1439","3.36","62.5"]

,"break7": ["1440","99999999","3.13","65"]



Where the Breaks[1-7] are:    FROM QTY  , TO  QTY , PRICE , DISCOUNT% 


Detailed Pricing - passing multiple items and customers.

For multiply items (and customers)  POST the following JSON file containing the items (and quantities) required using :  This will be a slower call due to the initial processing required.

  • If there are multiple items return there is also a lowesthighest JSON section  that will contain the lowest price and highest price from the list of items returned.

The JSON format expected from the caller is:

 "CUST01": { "ITEMS": [{"485972FES": 1000},

                       {"485972FES": 1001},

                       {"485972FES": 1002},

                       {"485972FES": 1003}],

             "SORTORDER": "PRICE-ASC",

             "MINPRICE": -1,

             "MAXPRICE": -1


"SORTORDER" is optional. Valid values are  "ITEM-ASC" or "ITEM-DES"  or "PRICE-ASC" or "PRICE-DES" .

 The default is "ITEM-ASC"

"MINPRICE" and "MAXPRICE" are optional. MAX should be large than MIN . The default is -1 (i.e no effect)

The Madics API will return multiple items:

Example for one customer (max 100 items at a time)


      "prices": [{

            "item": "BIKE",

            "customer": "DAD000",

            "qty": "25",

            "standard price": "19.99",

            "price list name": "BASE PRICE",

            "customer price": "7",

            "price type": "4",

            "unit of measure": "Each",

            "price per": "1",

            "price type description": "Qty breaks set price",

            "breaks": {

                  "break1": ["0", "11", "200.49"],

                  "break2": ["12", "99999999", "7"]


      }, {

            "item": "STEVETEST",

            "customer": "DAD000",

            "qty": "45",

            "standard price": "10.34",

            "price list name": "BASE PRICE",

            "customer price": "8.27",

            "price type": "4",

            "unit of measure": "Each",

            "price per": "1",

            "price type description": "Qty breaks discount",

            "breaks": {

                  "break1": ["0", "9", "5.17"],

                  "break2": ["10", "19", "6.2"],

                  "break3": ["20", "39", "7.24"],

                  "break4": ["40", "49", "8.27"],

                  "break5": ["50", "59", "8.48"],

                  "break6": ["60", "69", "8.69"],

                  "break7": ["70", "99999999", "8.89"]


      }, {

            "item": "T08100",

            "customer": "DAD000",

            "qty": "10",

            "standard price": "71.85",

            "price list name": "BASE PRICE",

            "customer price": "51.19",

            "discount": "25",

            "discount2": "5",

            "price type": "1",

            "unit of measure": "Each",

            "price per": "1",

            "price type description": "% discount on standard price"


      "lowesthighest": {

            "lowestprice": "7",

            "lowestitem": "BIKE",

            "highestprice": "51.19",

            "highestitem": "T08100"



Detailed Pricing - passing just a Web Category 


To retrieve a list of stock item codes and price information based on a web category code:

For example:

There are 3 optional parts to the url that can be added in turn:

Sort order that can have 4 values:





Minimum Price:

value or -1

-1 is for "no minimum"

Maximum Price:

value or -1

-1 is for "no maximum"

Note that you can't request minimums or maximums without specifying a sort order.

Extended examples: -  This asks for descending price order with no minimum and a max of 50 - This is probably an error as it will have default sort order ("10") and a minmum price of 150 and no maximum

Will return:  

(In this example no customer code is passed so standard product pricing is returned)


      "prices": [{

            "item": "EYC110LA2LPAN",

            "customer": "",

            "qty": "1",

            "standard price": "139",

            "price list name": "",

            "customer price": "139",

            "price type": "0",

            "price type description": "Standard Price"

      }, {

            "item": "CLX202AJMAK",

            "customer": "",

            "qty": "1",

            "standard price": "139",

            "price list name": "",

            "customer price": "139",

            "price type": "0",

            "price type description": "Standard Price"

      }, {

            "item": "CLX201AJMAK",

            "customer": "",

            "qty": "1",

            "standard price": "179",

            "price list name": "",

            "customer price": "179",

            "price type": "0",

            "price type description": "Standard Price"

      }, {

            "item": "CLX203AJX1MAK",

            "customer": "",

            "qty": "1",

            "standard price": "149",

            "price list name": "",

            "customer price": "149",

            "price type": "0",

            "price type description": "Standard Price"


      "lowesthighest": {

            "lowestprice": "139",

            "lowestitem": "EYC110LA2LPAN",

            "highestprice": "179",

            "highestitem": "CLX201AJMAK"



Detailed Pricing - all special prices for a single customer

This retrieves a JSON file returning all customer special prices for one customer

GET the following:

  • If the customer code is "NOCUST" then the "Standard Qty Breaks" will be returned.


Multiple Location Stock

This retrieves a JSON file with the stock for a list of locations in MADWEB.INI

For one item GET the following:

Will return example with "Location" : "Stock Qty"  for each location

"item": "ABCDE1234",

    "stock": { "01": "12",

               "02": "12",

               "03": "32",

               "04": "10",

               "05": "12",

               "FG": "2542"



Web Category List (recursive)

Pass in a top level Web Category and retrieves a JSON file containing  a category list (recursive) and the highest/lowest price of items with in them. 

(Please note PACK PRICES are returned - See packprice API for more information) category/customer

(Customer code optional)

Returned JSON example:


     "Category": "38PAA",

     "Customer": "",

     "Categories": {

           "CatList": ["38PAA", "38ACA", "38ACAF", "38ACAV", "38AFD", "38AMD", "38AR", "38ASM", "38ASNB", "38ASS", "38CASM", "38CAVS", "38ACG", "38ACD", "38ACGB", "38ACGD", "38AGD", "38ANW", "38NWCB", "38NWCD", "38NWCM", "38NWCR", "38NWCW", "38NWRD", "38ATCT", "38TCTI", "38TCTS", "38AWB"]


     "lowesthighest": {

           "lowestprice": "1.17",

           "highestprice": "325.93"




Web Category Items (recursive)

Very much the same as the above "Web Category List" call but in addition also passes back a list of the actual stock items and prices found with in the categories.

(Please note PACK PRICES are returned - See packprice API for more information) category/customer

(Customer code optional)

Returned JSON example:


    "Category": "38PAA",

    "Customer": "",

    "Categories": {

        "CatList": ["38PAA", "38ACA", "38ACAF", "38ACAV", "38AFD", "38AMD", "38AR", "38ASM", "38ASNB", "38ASS", "38CASM", "38CAVS", "38ACG", "38ACD", "38ACGB", "38ACGD", "38AGD", "38ANW", "38NWCB", "38NWCD", "38NWCM", "38NWCR", "38NWCW", "38NWRD", "38ATCT", "38TCTI", "38TCTS", "38AWB"]


    "lowesthighest": {

        "lowestprice": "10.67",

        "highestprice": "52.37"


    "Itemlist": {

        "TESTITEMA": [{

            "Cat": "38ACAF",

            "Price": 52.37


        "TESTITEMB": [{

            "Cat": "38ACAF",

            "Price": 21.98


        "TESTITEMC": [{

            "Cat": "38AWB",

            "Price": 10.67



