The "Redundant Component Explorer" (BMDISC.RUN) will take each Bill of Material component and interrogate all the assemblies its with in going up all the bill of material levels, if the component is not found in any assemblies or only with in assemblies that have been discontinued then it will show with in the data-grid explorer. 

The selections are:

Location:   Enter a location or leave blank for all locations.

Include discontinued:  N=excludes already discontinued components, Y=For all components.

Items with stock only: Y=Only Include components that have available stock,  N=for components with or with out stock.

Check top level only:  Y=Only  reports on the top level assemblies , if N then it will also check the component is not active in any sub-assemblies  as well as top level assemblies.

Part Number: Leave blank for all part numbers, if a part number is entered only this is reported on and additional logging is included showing the reason why the items is included or not-included in the data-grid,  you can see this log by clicking the View Log button. 

The Data-Grid Explorer returns the columns of:

  • Part Number
  • Used In
  • Used Cross
  • Physical Stock
  • Latest Cost
  • Stock Value
  • Last Costed
  • Last Issued
  • Last Receipt
  • Last Stock Check
  • 12 months usage

There are also Button Options of:

  • BOM - Explode the selected part number's bill of materials.
  • Stock - View the selected item in Stock Desk