There is now an optional "Purchase Request Audit" this logs all purchase request creations, amendments, deletions and conversions to purchase and works orders.

The audit can be seen from with in Purchase Request -> F4-Audit and enter a selected part number or press [Escape] and select the [All part number] button to see everything.

The audit can also be seen in Stock Desk by pressing the new [Req Audit] button.

To have this enabled you first will need to check you have the following latest programs:

ENQCRE RUN        4.2(507)

Create Sales Enquiry

FORDMD RUN        4.2(507)

Forward Demand Report

IMREPL RUN        4.2(501)

IM Purchase Requests

KITDMD RUN        4.2(504)

Kit Item Demands 

LOCRE3 RUN        4.2(504)

Location Requirement Report

MRPREQ RUN        4.2(513)

MRP Create Purchase Requests

MRPWRQ RUN        4.2(518)

MRP Create Works Order Requests

OECREA RUN        4.2(540)

Sales Order Creation

OEDESK RUN       4.2(1110)

Sales Order Desk

POIEXP RUN        4.2(510)

Purchase Expand/Initialisation 

POPREC RUN        4.2(517)

POP Purchase Requests Creation

POPREQ RUN        4.2(569)

Purchase Requests 

PORQAP RUN        4.2(500)

Purchase Request Audit Reorganise/Purge

STDESK RUN        4.2(585)

Stock Desk

STK001 RUN        4.2(506)

Stock Replenishment Routine

WOMAUT RUN        4.2(544)

WOM Work Order Generation

WOMREQ RUN        4.2(502)

WOM Generate Purchase Requests

WSRRES RUN        4.2(521)

WSR Requisition for Parts

Example of data shown the the new Purchase Request Audit Log Data-Grid:

Yellow - Request created

Orange - Request was amended

Red - Request deleted

Blue - Request converted into a Purchase Order

Purple -  Request converted into a Works Order