There is a optional two digit alpha-numeric Stock Discontinued Reason Code and Free Text Notes when the Stock Item is discontinued.
The Stock File Maintenance and Stock Desk shows the Discontinued Flag, Reason and if any notes were entered a button to view / amend the notes
- The Madics Stock Audit is updated with the Discontinued and Reason Code.
- Reporting on this field is currently via Madics in Access or Madics SQL.
- Added the Reason and Free Text as two new columns to the discontinued import routine.
If enabled and Bill of Materials is used then there are also two other options:
1. Discontinue or un-discontinue all occurrences of this item in the Bill of Materials.
2. Global replace this item in Bill of Material.
Option 2 launches the component Bill of Martials Drill down routine with the option buttons for you to discontinue or un- discontinue All Items and recursive up to the top parent item.
Option 3 launches the Global Bill of Material ‘Replace’ filling in from Item with the one you just discontinued, you then can enter the new item and preview, and process the global change across the Bill of Materials file.
Madics Administrators have the ability to maintain the Reasons list, the code can be from 01 to 99.
All these features are disabled by default but is enabled in DISTYP.INI by setting:
There is also a new User Permission on the Madics User File to say if that user is allowed to discontinue stock items or not.
Program Changes
Stock Control
4.2(562) Added new Discontinued Reason (and free text) to D=Detail
STKMNT.BAS Stock File Maintenance
4.2(577) Added new Discontinued Reason (and free text).
4.2(578) Added Bulk Discontinue when the Stock Item is discontinued BMDRIL 4.2(531) also required.
4.2(579) Added 'Global replace this item in Bill of Materials' option when an item Discontinue Flag is
Bill Of Materials
BMDRIL.BAS Bill of Materials Explode
4.2(530) Implement "Discontinued Reason Type" if enabled.
4.2(531) Added Bulk Discontinue when the Stock Item is discontinued in Stock File Maint.
BMINST.BAS BOMP Global Insert/Change/Del
4.2(504) Global Replace can also be launched from STKMNT when an Item is discontinued.
Madics in Access Direct
MIAD.EXE Madics in Access Direct Added the new 'Discontinued Reason Type' field to the Stock Header Table.
SBX Subroutines
DISTYP.BAS Discontinue Reason SBX
4.2(500) New Reason Discontinue SBX Module.
4.2(515) Recompiled INFLD.SUB changed to return -70 for ? Click on a dialog for help.
System Management
IMPDIS.BAS Discontinued Import
4.2(501) Added "Reason Code" field.
4.2(502) Added FreeText Reason Field.