Activities can be created in Caliq against the following in Caliq

Customers, Customer Transactions, Customer Orders, Allocation Manager, Suppliers, Supplier transactions, Purchase Orders etc.

The Activity popup is the same wherever you use it in Caliq.

Wherever you see the Activity button you can add an Activity.


On the account details screen you can select the New Activity button.

Select the Activity Type – if you use Credit Control Calls, these activities show in the query screen which can be used for debt chasing.

Enter something in the Subject

Enter details in the text box.

If you just want the details recorded but there is no follow up required, tick the option “Mark this activity as complete NOW”

If a follow up is required, select the user who is to follow it up, select the date and time for this.

You can select to be informed when the activity is read, forwarded and completed.

Select OK

Once the activity is accepted it will appear in the main customer screen.

You can view it from here.

If there is a follow up required the activity will show up in the Users Activity option on the Caliq home page.  They can see this when they log into Caliq.

Once a follow up becomes overdue they will see these in Red and a popup will appear on the users screen to remind them and will keep reminding them until they deal with it.

To deal with the activity the user selects My Activities.

Highlight the activity and F5 View/Edit Activity

The Activity appears on the screen.

If you just want to read the activity but not add any more text or complete at this stage, just select OK and the Activity will be marked as READ.  You can then come back to it later to update.

You can Edit Text to add additional activity text, the follow up becomes enabled so you can change the follow up date if you need to do this again.

Mark as Complete, enter some completion notes and select ok.  The activity is marked as complete and will disappear off the user's list.


Customer/Supplier Transactions

On the Transactions screen, you can see an Activity Button, if you highlight a transaction and push this you are creating the activity against that transaction.

If there is an activity against a transaction a green tick will appear on the activity button when you highlight the transaction.


Sales and Purchase Order Headers

When in the event header you can select the Activities Tab to add and view activities.

When in the event header of an order If there is an activity, a green tick will appear on the Activity Tab.



Allocation Manager

Highlight the event and select the Activity button

Enter the activity

A green tick will then appear against the activity button when you highlight the event.

These activities can also be seen when in the event header, Activities TAB.

If there is an activity entered on the event header a green tick will appear against the event in the allocation grid.


Allocation Manager – Progress Chase


Highlight an event

F7 Progress Chase

In here you can see all the Customer Outstanding Orders

Select the Progress Chasing History Tab


F5 Call Record – this enabled the Notes from this call box, you can enter details regarding the call.

These notes are against the Customer not against an event.


You can also raise an activity if there is some sort of follow up required.   The activity is created against the user entering the Progress Chase record.

F12 Apply Changes



The text is then displayed in the right hand box.

The date of the called is logged in the centre box.  This also shows the last despatches.

Maintaining Activity Types & Work Groups

You can edit and add new activity types and work groups in system desk, company settings. 

Activity types cannot be deleted but they can be made in-active. When you add manual activities, only activities marked as 'active' and 'manual selection' will be shown in the list.

You cannot change the description of the activities shows up to and including 'Reports'. They are pre-set and can be used by the system to raise automatic activities. Any activity types added by you can have their description changed.

Work groups can be edited, added to but not deleted.

However, you can change the description of them.

The employees appearing in a work group is defined for each employee:

You will need to tick each work group they are a member of.